I cannot find my meeting on Listener, why?

Rucha Joshi

Last Update 3 年前

There may be a few reasons why you are unable to find your meeting on Listener.

1. Your Listener and Zoom accounts might not be connected.

Your Listener account should be integrated with your Zoom account. To check if the integration is done, please go to the 'User Settings' page. Follow these steps to connect to Zoom.

Please note that you will need pre-approval from your organisation Zoom admin, you can request for it here.

2. You are recording your meeting to the cloud but may not have enabled 'Cloud Recording' and 'Custom Live Streaming'.

For successfully bringing you Zoom meeting to Listener, your 'User setting' page on the Listener app should look like this:

3. You are a recording the Zoom meeting locally

If you are a Zoom basic (free) account or prefer to record your meetings locally then you will have to manually upload the recording to Listener.
Follow these steps to learn how.

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